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On this page, I will express opinions....some you may agree with....some you may not....just always remember.....this page is NOT mean't in any way, shape or form...to offend anyone! As a matter of fact, I encourage any of you...all of you.....to send me feedback, via e-mail!! I hope to eventually set up a form here......sort of a forum for views and such. As soon as I learn the HTML for that....it will be up and running!! If any of you could lead me in the right direction....I sure would appreciate it!! :-)
My plan is to take articles or events from newspaper clippings, television news and various sources and give my 2 cents worth.....and invite you to "spout" off with me! I know there are others out there that are pretty fed up with the way things are happening in our justice system.....and for the record.....I agree that this is the best system available....but...it could definitely use some help!I also plan to add links to various government
agencies, etc., where you can write and be heard!
This site will be very flexible! If you find something humorous in an article....or you have a pet peeve or two...tell me! I will try my very best to make this site as interactive as possible....which means lots of spontaneity!!
Read My Thoughts On CORPORATE GREED!!!
1st Posting See what a writer from the Miami Herald said about Ebonics....
1) Six out of every 10 people on this planet live in Asia.
2) The Roper Center and the Freedom Forum jointly sent a questionnaire to all Washington news bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents last fall.....and only 139 out of 323 responded. Of those, only 9% identified themselves as "conservative" or "moderate to conservative"...compared to 61% who said they were "moderate to liberal or liberal".
3) Nearly forty-seven million Americans are now eligible for food stamps!
4) Nothing to cut? What about the $100,000 of our taxes they're giving to the Library of Congress to publish an edition of Playboy magazine.....in braille??????
5) The Good old U.S.A.
has become the retirement heaven for illegal aliens. All they have to do is get in illegally and they have made it. Between 1982 and 1994, the number of "non-citizens" collecting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) went up 580% !! In 1994, over 789,000 aliens were drawing SSI. They are taking it from the "legals" and giving it to the "illegals". -- Washington Post
6) Seventy-Eight Percent of Americans think children in public schools should be required to say the Pledge of Alligiance to the flag.
7) Interesting It will be interesting to hear today's teenagers tell their children what they had to do without!
8) The Pentagon, under Pres. Bill Clinton, asked for $257 billion. The budget-busting "Conservatives" in Congress raised him...by 7 billion!!!
9) It cost the taxpayers over $500 a page to print "The Congressional Record" and much of it is misleading because our "honorable" legislators are allowed to "edit" what they actually said..before it goes into the "Record".
10) Teens are just as likely to eat breakfast as lunch & dinner. But, lunch is most liely to be eaten away from home; 58% buy something @ school, while 28% take lunch from home.
11) After-school snacking is the "fourth meal" for most teens. They spend $1.25 a day on these snacks, for a total of $5.2 billion a year!
12) Teens eat an average of 4.33 times per day. Close to half of survey respondents (42%) eat five or more times a day!!!
13) A third of the above meals are eaten away from home - to the tune of $12.7 billion a year spent at fast-food restaurants.
14) Teens typically visit a fast-food restaurant more than twice a week & spend $5.72 on each visit.
15) Who owns the U.S. market:
1. Coopertone - 1 of every 2 suntan lotions sold
2. Bic - 1 of every 2 pens sold
3. La-Z-Boy - 3 of every 4 recliners sold
4. Duncan - 9 out of every 10 yo-yos sold
5. L'eggs - 1 of every 2 pantyhose sold
(Source: World Features Syndicate)
We still think every woman should marry, which may be why we haven't noticed that for every three wedded women in America...two are single.
Being single is, in fact, a new norm but so new it's not really registering. Single women are still thought of as women in waiting. Or, if they
women for whom the time has come to resign themselves to a life of what it could have been.
In her book, "The Improvised Women (Norton, $26.95), journalist Marcelle Clements explores what life is like for the 43 million women over 18 &
unmarried in America today. What she finds is that many are living below the radar of Americal cultural life.
"If their voice is missing from American life," she writes, "it's because...single women seem to have no unified vision of themselves as an American
They're not encouraged to. There are 58,748,000 married women in this country..and you know who you are. Married women may resist the identify
conferred on them, but it's theirs to reject. They're the "American type".
Single females, though, are still thought to be in the embryonic stage of womanhood, only taking final shape when they achieve marriage. Unless
they're divorced or widowed. Then they're considered to be missing a part.
According to Clements' figures, however, most women today can expect to be married only half of their adult lives. So what are you going to do with
Here's the news: It's up to you. While the culture provides a stereo-type for almost everyone, there's 43 million women - more than enough to comprise
a nation - we don't have a handle on.
"Spinster" has fallen out of the language, perhaps only to be replaced by Ally McBeal, a delightfully engaging caricature of a woman whose need to marry
That we know so little about single women today allows us to go on diagnosing their state of nonunion as a "treatable condition". The title of another
recently published book speaks volumes: "Being Single In A Couples World" How To Be Happily Single While Looking For Love (Free Press, $24.00)
**Note: Single Women Seen Lacking A Cultural Voice, written by Sherryl Connelly, Knight Ridder Writer**

OH WAIT! BEFORE YOU GO! Thrill me more....please sign my new guestbook! :-) Thanks! P.S. And...remember what your mother's taught you (or should have)...if you have nothing nice to say...STAY OUTTA MY BOOK! :-)

Thank-you For Visiting!! Please Come Back Soon!

Please take Jay's survey!! Follow this link..take Jay's INTERNET ADDICTION SUREY and help his school project!! Thanks!!
Here's alittle something to cool you down on your way to the next site!!
Last Updated: AUGUST 10, 1998
***Disclaimer: This site and it's contents are for entertainment purposes only! If you find anything which is offensive to you....please.....leave! I reserve the right to edit any and
all posts on this site! This site will not cater to racial or sexual bias or prejudice...however, I will reserve the right to edit as deemed appropriate.